Capital or Special Projects Funds

Imagine having the entire Rosa collection displayed in recognition of your thirty-seven largest donors. 

The Rosa Bible Illustrations provide an excellent opportunity for churches, religious organizations or temples that want to raise even larger sums. The thirty-seven piece collection, divided into Old and New Testament collections, can be used to inspire your donors to contribute. Again, The Rosa Bible Illustrations range in price from $XXX to $XXX (depending on whether or not you purchase them framed). You set the final price for your congregation’s gift to your organization’s special project.

You may want to set a goal to raise enough money to buy the entire collection or just part of the set, the decision is up to you. Once you have set your sights on a campaign goal, you can recognize each donor (at the level you determine) with a Rosa Bible Illustration in their honor.

Religious organizations, churches and temples can place a donation amount of $2,500 on each of the Rosa Bible Illustrations, which will give the organizations more than $90,000.